Hi, I'm here from Project Loved to prepare your map for Loved if it passes voting!
Change Title -> FireLight (Neokontrol Remix)
Change Artist -> Dustvoxx, Laur
Add the following tags: Ciyus Miapah Fort
(since the hitsounds seem copied from nattu's collab map you'll need to credit the hitsounder)
You could credit the artist for one of the backgrounds into the description: Kristyna Duharova https://www.artstation.com/pristine
Congratulations on the nomination and good luck!
commented on this map five months ago. I didn't think it would be going for ranked one day :D. Nice map, I'm hyped <3
Awesome map, helps with stamina training and getting consistent with 190 bpm streams, love this map :D
Actually fun and playable Mapset for players, that aren't able to play the original FireLight.