(Latin: Clamatis = Scream >> XKream) | Because Fatal Oni wasn't hard enough. HP3 because I'm generous. EVEN MORE DIFFICULT than ECS, mind you. If you passed this map (preferably the first pass, which means no improvements done), post/PM an actual screenshot (Shift + F12) along with your replay file here in this thread to get a position in the Hall of Fame! Keep in mind that I'm always watching this over, so feel free to tell me if I forgot.
P.S.: For clarity, players are encouraged to take BOTH elements by themselves, even if I DID spectate (spectators cannot save replays, thanks to _Gezo_ for this). This is to prove that all of the posted scores are legit. If you passed this more than once, post ALL of them with a replay file for EACH, along with a screenshot of the first pass.