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This background is terrible
wait what anime is this from? Magical warfare?
god damn
who yuto
Congrats Yuuto >w<
no 4k mx T^T but nice map though keep it up :D
nice :3
Congrats :D
Congrats Yuuto~ :3
thank you :3
too hard :/
um kmu pro kok, lagian ini gk terlalu sulit menurut ku kcuali yg SC :v
udah berhasil /o/
yang scnya too hard done
cool thanks!!
Congratulations! ^^
Thanks :3
WoW Congratulations!!
Thanks shinobu \o/
Wow Congratulations!!
Finally!! congratulation✩
Thanks yumika :)
Conglats Yuutosan :3
Thanks monizotic :3
holy sh*t, after a lot of process, and finally you did it your first ranked... congrats Yuutosan
Thanks, I'm so grateful to you that you're my first modder of my map . thanks again
i didnt do much mod really, only tell to reduce drain and suggesting some random things lol, you're the one who push it, so you should be proud to yourself :)
Congrats pervert!!!
You're the one that pervert. . =w=
Anyway , thanks pervert <3
This song is beautiful. Gonna map a normal mapset for it. Good job anyways!
Thanks ^o^
congrats Yuutosan :3
Thaks ahana lesus :3
Thank you Naxel ^o^
ciee... yg punya beatmap ranked.. :v congrats!! xD