Generally the flow of your map is quite linear in less intense parts, which is fine but sometimes you go from linear flow to snappy flow which isn't very comfortable to play
You got several suggestion posts from several thread that I think you need to solve if you think they're already fixed or they're pretty much subjective/optional to apply
Related threads:
#3408961 -> Shouldn't be a suggestion post I guess, but I think you resolve this thread
#2847948 -> Suggestion on rhythm complexity that needs to be fixed (but I think they don't really explain specifically which diffs that are need a lot of works). You can explain to them if you think the rhythm issues are fixed by resolving that thread
#3326709 -> Suggestion about adding video to the mapset which is pretty optional to apply, resolve the thread if you think you don't need video on the mapset
#2485954 -> Related to map flow that uncomfortable for them to play, if you already fixed them, resolve the thread also
#3604658 -> Unclear what makes them think SR on Insane diff is too much, but consider telling them that current SR is fine and resolve the thread
It's complicated to follow in game.
the rythm is confused, u need to works more about it ^^
gl for it!
Tag mods
For explain to you the new combo :
The new combo must be activated when the volume goes up sometimes for example : It's a perfect example for show you how it works
There is a large white line right most of the time, the sliders must not end on one of this large line.
Because it announces most of the time that a high note is here and it also announces the arrival of new combo.
next time when you see a ''large white line'' listen the melody attentively and see for yourself if the moment becomes high or not
and if not don't activate the new combo.