Remapping all diffs, ignore mods that are more than 5 months old as of 20th december
yeah so i looked at the mapset really quick. The rhythm, patterning and contrast is kinda meh. sometimes it's actually decent but other times it's kinda odd. in the timeline for the top diff i've addressed a few points for rhythm.
regarding patterning and contrast honestly i didn't really feel that much emotion when i was play testing and modding. like sections felt really similar in terms of spacing and movement. for example the general slidershapes felt kinda generic at times like you formed a lot of curved sliders and straight sliders patterns but it didn't feel like they were fitting in some bigger picture it kinda just felt like filler imo. like for example if we look at this kiai section here 01:58:414 (1) - there's not really a clear logic showing the contrast between the curved and straight sliders.
basically rhythm should focus on clicking on important stuff (it's a rhythm game after all), patterning and contrast should have some kind of logic to it and different sections of the song should mapped in such a way that they feel like different sections. seems really obvious ik sorry if this isn't very helpful. if you want you can pm me and we can go over some stuff i think that would be a lot more useful.
so hitsounding is kinda messed up. sounds kinda out of place and inconsistent at times like in this beginning section here 00:06:425 (1) - on the extra diff you have a bunch of snares samples at some pretty weird spots for some reason.
so like basically try to have hs focus more on accompanying the song and providing feedback to the players. one of the most common hs methods is to put drum-hitnormal or normal-hitnormal as kicks, soft-hitclap as snares, melody as soft-hitwhistle, soft-hitfinish as crash.
For extra diff -> 03:14:266 (2,4,7,9,2) - this usage of normal-hitfinish is going to sound hella bad with default hs.
actually you use normal-hitfinish to kicks a lot which is going to sound kinda bad on default hs as well. usually kicks are put on drum-hitnormal and or normal-hitnormal.
the timeline isn't properly aligned with the song's structure. remove this red line here 00:00:459 - and put on here 00:01:141 - .
your current red line placement has caused some really odd NCing and rhythm choice.
this might take awhile to mod. pm me after you change the red line placement and ill mod, cuz having a misaligned timeline with the song is kinda of a pain for me to mod with.
i would suggest you use the Japanese title as the source just to be consistent with the other ranked maps from this same series.
mp3 quality is kinda meh should try to find a better one if you can but technically works for now
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there are several instanced of either multiple uninherited timing points, or uninherited timing points being misnapped by 1 - 2ms, these need to be either resnapped or deleted:
01:30:984 (this will also fix the misnap 01:31:410)
00:06:438 (this has two timing points 1ms apart with different svs)
Your insane, hard, and normal are all too hard. Name those expert, insane, hard, and make a new normal if you want it to be rankable. Id suggest moving on for now though and coming back to it