overall the whole diffs finisher idea feels too complex for futsuu player, especially when the map is full of them and they are using very wide pattern variety usage. the 1/2 5-plets for example this 03:00:886 - are the most complex looking ones. even though song is only 160bpm i feel like beginner kddk players will struggle with the finishers and become annoying to play. the finishers might fit nicely on the song and create different futsuu style than ordinary ones, but its not very futsuu friendly
this is the most complex section (03:24:886 - 03:31:636)
i suggest reducing the finisher usage in the 1/2 5-plets into 1 finisher max, and overall save the finishers on the most important sounds in the map like 02:43:636 - 02:49:636 - and not map the extra cymbal sounds like these 02:48:136 - 02:48:886 - 02:49:261 -