Awesome GD by BringoBrango. Thank you for your hard work!! Worthy modding & suggestion by Abraxos, BringoBrango, Davvy, Dubstek, and Unpredictable. Thank you for your service. Lastly, thank you to everyone who left hype and comments. It really helps me 🥰
i dont know why the first diff is 4,32 stars, it should be higher tbh. Other maps i played that are +4,5 stars are not this hard, either they are overrated or this one is underrated
mint maps are all non pp but still great and ranked, gzdongsheng maps are non pp but great and ranked, _Kobbi's Ragnarok is non pp but ranked and great, _Stan's maps are non pp but great and ranked, dupstek maps are non pp but great and ranked. And this one is mess.
Ok I really like the choice of song but damn the first map should have at least a 5* rating, because that mapping style made me recoil in horror as I saw all those overmapped longnotes. (the 2nd map is fine imo, just RIP my accuracy)
maybe because there are some people who can play it?, maybe because it's a funny and creative mapping concept?, maybe because not all people have the same tastes?, idk doe
Even if they can play it, It's so sad that they don't say "It's not my taste" instead of "shit" or "bad". they just blaming because it doesn't match their style.
The fuck are those jacks, why are there those trills in the beginning when there is no sound for them, why are the LNs so badly timed, why aren't there bursts when they are supposed to be there, why is there such lack of LNs on the drop in comparison to the rest of the map, what is even 1:52:305, why isnt the map balanced for both hands, why is there such lack of notes in the percussion-heavy sections, why is 2:21:626 to 2:24:826 so empty when there is a buildup happening in the song, why 3:33:821 ???????, why did 3:41:250 even get past the ranking criteria. Why.