"If the drain time of each difficulty is... ...lower than 2:30, the lowest difficulty of each included keymode cannot be harder than a Normal, OR each keymode must provide a spread starting at least 3 difficulty levels below the highest difficulty. ...between 2:30 and 3:15, the lowest difficulty of each included keymode cannot be harder than a Hard, OR each keymode must provide a spread starting at least 2 difficulty levels below the highest difficulty. ...between 3:15 and 4:00, the lowest difficulty of each included keymode cannot be harder than an Insane, OR each keymode must provide a spread starting at least 1 difficulty level below the highest difficulty."
yeah my mistake, I thought it was easy because i got a sightread HP pass with extremely non-optimal conditions at the time, so i was confident i could get an S later. Boy i was wrong lol
if i ever wanted to become a mania mapper and i read the comment section of this thing, all that want to become a mania mapper would've (and has) vanished
i doubt anyone wants to deal with the kind of universe brain arguments some people are able to pump out as excuses or justification or whatever the hell was the entire shitstorm that happened in here two months ago
At first I was happy that Xeroa got ranked, but after first play I realised it has same problem as Monheim's POWA OF DA WILDANES. Both maps don't represent song good enought for me, but this... it's a mess. P.S Imo it's not mappers fault, they can map how they want, I don't understand why BN approved it.
At first I was happy that Xeroa got ranked, but after first play I realised it has same problem as Monheim's POWA OF DA WILDANES. Both maps don't represent song good enought for me, but this... it's a mess. P.S Imo it's not mappers fault, they can map how they want, I don't understand why BN approved it.
At first I was happy that Xeroa got ranked, but after first play I realised it has same problem as Monheim's POWA OF DA WILDANES. Both maps don't represent song good enought for me, but this... it's a mess. P.S Imo it's not mappers fault, they can map how they want, I don't understand why BN approved it.
At first I was happy that Xeroa got ranked, but after first play I realised it has same problem as Monheim's POWA OF DA WILDANES. Both maps don't represent song good enought for me, but this... it's a mess.
P.S Imo it's not mappers fault, they can map how they want, I don't understand why BN approved it.
looking at this comment now is hilarious as f. Actually good map, yeah agressive playstyle, but bruh, listen to song lol. I though skill issue was a meme, but you really can't judge map if you can play it.