lZenxl's Easy
L2 - Ascension : Act 2 (Liberation)Ice
mapped by LordRaika
last updated
Circle Size
HP Drain
Approach Rate
Star Rating


This beatmap is shit XD , i mapped it like 5-7month ago, damn old style
gotta remapped this >w< , this beatmap refuse to dead , last update 2 months ago, graved and still on my pending list!

Full hitsound 7K EX only, (for reference before apply to all dif) << my only latest mapping style. the other is sucks! "Storyboard Dif" containing SB hitsound, to be deleted before pending!!

SB to be finalize and fixed , Status : WIP!!

Ignore the last SB part, it hasn't been fixed for all proper credits for each GD and stuff

Ignore this section.... still WIP .... too lazy too update the description

  1. DONE!! ( fixed , modded ) , Ready for
  2. LC , DONE!! ( but missing 1 dif , 6K LC ) , Ready for
  3. CC , DONE!! , Ready for
    i will remapped this soon >w< , damn my old mapping style is too OLD
Osu! Standard
  1. Need mod check
  2. Need mod check
  3. Need mod check
  4. Need Mod Check
  5. DONE!! ( fixed , modded )
  • All Ready for
  1. DONE!! ( fixed , modded ) ,Ready for
Catch The Beat
  1. Kurokami's Platter ( Insane ) , Ready for
  2. Notechart Rain ( EX ) Ready for
  3. Crystal's Rain ( LC ) Ready for ( waiting for last update )
Status : missing 1 dif... 45/46
"Termination ( Knight's 6K LC )"
SB to be fixed later

Hitsounding on all of my dif is on going... only perfectly done on 7K EX
Difficulty Set
Osu!Mania Total = 34 dif , 27 + 6 GD + 1 collab
  1. 4K , 5K , 6K , 7K , 8K Easy ( Descension )
  2. 4K , 5K , 6K , 7K , 8K Normal ( Action )
  3. 4K , 5K , 6K , 7K , 8K Hard ( Ascension )
  4. 4K , 5K , 6K , 7K , 8K Insane ( Liberation )
  5. 4K , 5K , 6K , 7K , 8K EX ( Perfection )
  1. 4K LC ( Acceleration ) by Fullerene-
  2. 5K LC ( Obliteration ) by lZenxl
  3. 6K LC ( Termination ) by DjNightmare
  4. 7K LC ( Destruction ) by Expew
  5. 8K LC ( Devastation )
  1. 4K CC ( Disintegration )
  2. 5K CC ( Execution ) by lZenxl
  3. 6K CC ( Elimination )
  4. 7K CC ( Annihilation )
  5. 8K CC ( Synchronization ) collab by lZenxl and LordRaika
Osu! Standard Total = 5 dif , 3 + 2 GD
  1. lZenxl's Easy by lZenxl
  2. Action ( Normal )
  3. Oko's Hard by Okoratu
  4. Liberation ( Insane )
  5. Oko's EX by Okoratu
Taiko by Coroquetz , Total = 3 GD
  1. Coro's Muzukashii
  2. Coro's Oni
  3. Coro's Inner Oni
Catch The Beat Total = 3 dif , 1 + 2 GD
  1. Kurokami's Platter ( Insane ) by Kurokami
  2. Notechart Rain ( EX )
  3. Crystal's Rain ( LC ) by CLSW

Grand Total : 45 / 46
Waiting for "Termination ( Knight's 6K LC )"

FOR RANKED , will rescale 8K CC star's rating...
SB and some resource to be finalize

Creator's Word :
Enjoy~ ^^/

Notechart Detailed
This list is for modders and GD owner , to have the notes snapped properly~
Highlight only unusual notes like 1/3 , 1/6 and 1/8 piano and snare
00:08:908 - 1/3 , 2 notes
00:13:645 - 1/3 , 2 notes
00:16:803 - 1/3 , 2 notes
00:25:224 - 1/6 , 3 notes ~ 00:25:421 - continue with 1/4
then 00:25:882 - 1/6 , 5 notes + "one 1/8" notes at 00:26:260 -
00:26:342 - 1/6 , 7 notes
01:16:589 - 1/8 , 2 notes , continue with 1/4
01:47:592 - 1/6 , 2 notes ~ 01:47:724 -
01:55:289 - 1/6 , 2 notes ~ 01:55:421 -
01:56:079 - 1/6 , 11 notes ~ 01:56:803 -
01:59:237 - 1/6 , 2 notes ~ 01:59:368 -
02:00:816 - 1/6 , 5 notes ~ 02:01:145 -
02:02:461 - 1/6 , 10 notes ~ 02:03:118 -
02:04:368 - 1/6 , 2 notes ~ 02:04:500 -
02:05:355 - 1/6 , 2 notes ~ 02:05:487 -
02:06:276 - 1/6 , 23 notes ~ 02:07:855 -
( 02:09:434 - FULL 1/4 notes ahead , left hand piano keys ~ 02:14:566 - )
( again, 02:15:750 - full 1/4 notes ahead ~ 02:22:066 - )
02:18:645 - 1/3 , 2 notes
02:19:434 - 1/3 , 2 notes
02:20:224 - 1/3 , 17 notes ~ 02:22:461 -
02:22:197 - Full 1/3 ~ 02:25:224 - continue with 02:25:224 - 1/4
followed up with 02:25:750 - 1/3 , 8 notes ~ 02:26:803 - 02:27:263 - 1/6 , 5 notes ~ 02:27:592 -
02:28:645 - 1/3 , 2 notes
02:30:224 - 1/3 , 2 notes

(additional background sound, soft but its there...)
00:25:224 - full 1/8 snare ~ 00:26:803 -
01:42:592 - full 1/8 snare ~ 01:44:171 -
02:06:276 - full 1/8 snare ~ 02:07:855 -
02:31:539 - full 1/8 snare ~ 02:33:118 -

if i missed something or i did a missed, please do tell me , ill be gladly to add or change it...

Who helps me the most on this beatmap :
* kuuderes_shadow
* [Shi-Ra]
* yurunneram
* lZenxl
* Simple_Star
* Okoratu
* Chaotic_iak
* Takuneru

Storyboard script :
* lZenxl
* DjNightmare

Resource and skin :
* LordRaika

Awesome player tht test this beatmap :
* Serena- ( CTB )
* Spectator ( CTB )
* Badis ( CTB )
* ExGon ( CTB and ostd )
* Shurelia ( CTB )
* Expew ( O!M )
* Yoshilove ( All )
* DjNightmare ( O!M )
* Eternalie ( O!M )
* RichardFeder ( O!M )
* Kuo Kyoka ( O!M )
* arcwinolivirus ( O!M )
* HOST ( O!M)
* Takuneru AND friends XD ( CTB )
* FlowHomie ( Ostd)
* Julie ( All )
* Sal32 ( Ostd )
* Okoratu ( Ostd )
* Simple_Star ( O!M , Ostd )
* mliencheng ( Taiko )
* -Kamikaze- ( O!M )
* lZenxl ( O!M , Taiko )
* Awang411 ( O!M )
* rhalp10 ( O!M )
* Shinnzan ( All )
* and @#$%^&*( many others )

Also other user that willing to give review , feedback , ALL modders , ALL shooters and those who helps supporting me ^^
( damn , too long list... will finalize credit when at least bubbled XD ) and you....
Thank you for playing...
Thanks all ^0^/

Click for Custom Skin Download Skin progress 80%

(Tsundere Flags, it's not like i want to collect your flag okay? BAKAAA~!!!)
RIP Flag System on Osu!

Success Rate


Points of Failure


i love you