01:03:126 (3) - differentiating this slider from all the others somehow would be cool since it's the only one that doesn't have a vocal on it
01:18:819 (2,3) - the song is no different here than at 01:20:050 (3,4) - , so i'm not sure why you used a slider and added sv changes. suggest standardizing those parts
01:27:588 (1,2) - this is correct usage as it represents that unique scratch sound being played, so its reasonable to use a slider and sv changes to indicate that it is there.
yeah i changed 01:18:819 (2,3) - but i kinda disagree with 01:20:050 (3,4) - so i'll leave it like that for now, might reconsider later
01:20:050 (3,4,5,6) -, 01:29:896 (1,2,1,2) - you use two completely different concepts and even comboings for the same exact phrase. A bit of variation is cool obviously but completely changing it up when the song repeats makes the map feel unpolished and disconnected from the song
wouldn't call it completely different concepts, but i understand, and no i will not change it since it feels wrong
this is made even more odd by the fact that you map things like 02:17:742 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - as a solid stream
01:37:126 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - something like this: imgur.com/a/Y4nALWz would flow better in my opinion
i have to disagree, because there is a little change after 01:37:126 (4,5) - so i went with something like this, but i will think of a better flow for this
01:56:050 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 05:22:203 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - why are these a different rhythm when they're exactly the same
01:58:819 (3,4) - swapping the circle > circle for a slider would help indicate that you are following the kicks as well as the sliderend to indicate the off-sound on the red tick. currently, you are using 2 circles with equal spacing, which implies that there is an equally sounding kick sound on the red tick, when there isnt.
02:35:896 (1) - using another slidershape as a method to indicate a change in tone intensity would be better on top of changing the s.v imo
couldn't think of a slidershape that will fit, since sounds are almost the same and i want to leave it like that
02:59:280 (3,4) - circle > slider here is incorrect, since no note falls on the white tick so 02:59:434 (4) - starts on virtually nothing
disagree, dont know if you checked how it sounds without 02:59:280 (3) - and 4 starting on red tick, but it sounds so incomplete, so i mapped it like this same with the next one
nah, i dont think so, kind of changes the flow to something that stands out here for no reason
04:01:973 (4) - overmapping this here kinda takes away from 04:01:742 (2) -, the rhythms are different in the song, so they should be different in the map as well
04:01:742 (2) - song has sound
04:01:973 (4) - song doesn't have sound
yet they're mapped the same
song is different so map should be different
basically just delete 04:01:973 (4) -
actually why is 04:01:588 (1,2,3,4,5) - mapped so differently from 04:02:819 (1,2,3) -, they're the same thing except for the small pitch changes
it doesn't
it being a triple makes the white tick circle the most impactful by far, even though i'd argue the red tick has more impact in the song
00:37:588 (1,2,3) - same thing here, though it's a bit more acceptable in the first instance because of the bass on the blue tick
07:03:126 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - skipping the 1/3 melody and instead overmapping 1/4 doesn't fit this section imo
I think you should either only map the 1/4 percussion without overmapping or map the 1/3 melody
07:04:050 (1) - this needs to be cooler man, its the last long slider of a 7 minute map you cant just make it a circle