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this map was submitted the day i was born, therefore it's my favorite map & it's very fun to play
whats the original song?
tina cousins - hymn (gammer & g-spencer remix)
literally hymn this is just a nightcore version of it
by who
Hello commenting here just because of mania 7th dan stamina lol
same lol
Why is this actually fun? Am I becoming Walmart Willly?
did they not have any form of rhythm 10 years ago wtf
did you not have any form of rhythm sense 18 months ago
i understand now, i wish I could just mass delete all of my old comments lol
this is good wym smh
It makes me sleepy.... zZZZZZZ and also broke my ears .... (When using Headset).
I love this song and map! Great work! Keep it up!
not the best beatmap
I hope some top player play this with DT.
Doczekales sie :)
good map!
xD ... Your comment is funny ^_^ since if you're hate Nightcore.
sicK song
Maybe... Since it made me deaf.
Worst. Beatmap. Ever.
Worst??? Maybe the beatmap is worst... But song is a little bit better than the beatmap. xD Since you said " Worst. Beatmap. Ever." xD