00:57:335 (1,2) - The flow is kinda strange, especially there's a tiny buildup by 00:57:335 (1) - , not placing it from where the slider end is point feels the momentum is lost
Something like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15186026/0922 would flows better, but just my opinion
01:17:981 (1,2) - again, the flow would be better if you make the slider point towards the next object so it doesn't seem you forced to make a dropout flow like 00:57:335 (1,2) -
00:59:916 (1,2) - could work as a 1/1 slider since you're following vocals, or you could do something similar to 02:13:464 (1) - with a 1/2 slider and a circle on white
03:23:787 (2,1,2) - kinda dangerous to catch, considering all distances are large and anti-flow, would be better if you make it at least closer so player wouldn't rush too much to the next slider (kinda hard to explain how it works though)