Very nice maps too improve slider skill
hehe... :,D
I love this map it is really good and well synced. I also like the jumps
Thx dude :D
good map
Simplemente hermoso, esto tiene que sere rankeado si o si
eso esperemos bb uwu
Very nice and synced beatmap!
kisushite bb
Link in park SLIDER moment. ♥
triangulo mamalon bb
Clean and beautiful beatmap uwu
limpiesito como debe de ser miloko uwu
fresco el mapa
ya, y bo bb? 7u7
Very nice beatmap, I like it <3
i like u bb
nice map ^^
noiz kok
Squares are evil, but map is cool
my apoligizes iwi
ojala lo rankeen este mapa lo merece <3 y arregla los sliders xD
valgo verga con los sliders XDD
so good
ta riko
love the aesthetics, also pretty fun! c:
love u dude :3
el mapa esta muuy bien ;)
gracias :3
HYPPEEEE!!this music is sooooooooo nostalgic omg
keep up the good work
consideralo hecho 7u7
map is good
ty :3
Me Gusta la Musica UwU
Grax BB uwu 7u7