Mapping style in general is pretty bad here..... But hey I think you guys can try and improve this map. There is still more time for this to get ranked or loved, so try and get someone that is able to hitsound this map for you. I don't pretty much know stuff about hitsounding so.... Yeah... :)
My suggestions:
00:28:239 (3) - You gotta make this triangle wider a bit, this style isn't really for my taste...
00:36:161 (4) - Make a nice slider out of this, a curved one is too simple imo.
00:39:026 (4) - Unnecessary note, please remove it
00:48:295 (6,7,8,9,10,1) - this style is too weird so please like remap it to make it look better
00:49:981 (2) - move it a bit closer but not too wide
01:11:554 (1,2) - please make this closer to the 8, it is a little too far
01:35:149 (3,4) - make this either a 1/6 slider or something, expand it and set to 3 ticks and not make it like it's out of the rhythm
01:38:183 (6) - use a circle instead of slider
01:41:217 (3) - this should be a reverse slider until 01:42:565
03:47:752 (5) - slider is unnecessary here, change it into a circle
04:16:404 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - remap this part and make it better, doesn't seem right for my taste
05:13:876 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - bursts here are pretty unnecessary, i can hit them but not everyone would be able to notice it because they could probably miss here
05:43:539 (1,2) - unnecessary notes, new combo @ 05:43:707 (3)
So far it's okay, just that the mapping style will have to be improved. Good luck with getting this map qualified or loved!
also one more is where the slider @ 04:15:056 (1) needs to be set till 04:16:235, the 1,2 notes should be removed and that's all
Well here is part 2 of my suggestions...
04:22:977 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - This stream is quite hard for an difficulty like this, adjust it a bit to make it easier (certain people can't hit these spaced streams pretty well like me so I would recommend adjusting it)
05:19:101 (5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2) - this stream is way too weird, do something and remap this again
05:34:943 (6,7,8,9) - Too spaced but ok, probably looks okay so far so im just gonna say if you wanna edit this it's up to you
02:12:774 (3,1) - This is already too close to each other, adjust this
05:35:841 (9,1) - this is too far from each other, make it closer
So far the rest is okay, just the problem like I said before was the mapping style.
well, to be fair this collab is kinda bad :p
Points here are given to trying, but sometimes if you really like the song you'd have a better idea on how to map it well.
While i understand this is supposed to be harder than my difficulty, it seems that the use of hard sections on less intense parts of the music is a big problem of this map. For example: 00:42:228 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - is definitely unnecessary for a calm section like this, putting this set of jumps elsewhere won't affect the star rating anyways so maybe consider changing this. 00:25:374 (3,4,1,2) - this is a place where big jumps can actually be fun, and also fits the high intensity of the music. Secondly, use of active rhythm is a mess. Strong sounds are usually meant to be clicked or tapped by a player, and there are a lot of instances where it's at a sliderend. Sliderends are usually not even followed by the player, so putting a very strong beat under that is kinda not reflective of the song. Thirdly, rhythm is a mess at some parts. 1/3 sections mapped as 1/4(01:35:149 (3,4) -, 05:34:944 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - and 04:56:179 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - ) , sliders snapped wrongly(03:06:545 (2) -), etc. I strongly suggest each of you review your part and make sure it's of decent quality before you want to rank a map like this... I do understand, as a first map this is not a feat that many can achieve, finishing a marathon-length song even through collabing. My concern is that if bad habits happen early it's gonna carry down later in your mapping career (if you ever plan to be an active mapper any time soon). Good luck with your future mapping endeavors!