00:08:015 (3) - this seems to be odd in terms pf placement, you were placing objects following slider flow earlier, and suddenly it jumps out of place without warning. I suggest something like slowly put objects out of flow if you want to use this sort of slider here
00:35:318 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - object emphasis is wrong tbh, usually people would isolate out the strong sounds, rather than stack it under a weaker sound
01:04:981 (4,5) - time gap seems a bit wide for this spacing, try putting these things either further apart or add filler rhythm
01:06:666 (2) - not really a problem here tbh
01:41:217 (4) - idk how to make good slider art so just decided to make an s shape out of this
01:38:520 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3) - feels weird to suddenly transition from 1-2 jumps to these really close 1/2 patterns
01:45:936 (3,1) - time gap again too large for this, either drag out so that the reverse slider is 4 ticks, or space these out a bit