I'm not really sure about the kiai structure overall in the map. Like 11:55:408 - This section is probably just as intense as the kiais surrounding it imo and some parts like 09:36:551 - kind of sound just like 07:22:837 - which isn't one.
I'm not really sure if there should even really be that many kiais for this song anyway. Iirc jonathanlfj's azure arbitrator has like 2 kiais and the song's practically always intense and I get a similar vibe with this song.
Struggling really bad to figure out why I think the way I do but all I can come up with is that the kiais are either what sound like the chorus to me or the really intense part in each song
It's kind of similar to azure arbitrator sorta. He has 2 kiais on the parts where the choir in the background comes in and 1 where the intense part is
In the second half of rebirth the choir's quiet but its there and it makes the song sound a lot stronger in those places to me
03:56:343 (1) - I think this slider is quite unreadable, maybe do this slider quite faster?
03:26:343 (1,2,3) - Patterns like these you need to make flow better or decrease the spacing of the cuts. 01:26:040 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Like these cuts are fine because of the little spacing between the and ability to cheese through just playing it like a normal stream.
Can you explain why you think it is good how it is now?
I see it like this: 06:16:949 (1) - : sharp turn (not really a turn since it is the start of the stream but it's a sharp
angle to aim
06:17:252 (1) - : sharp turn
06:17:858 (1) - : sharp turn
and then this: 06:17:555 (1) - : sounds the same as the three sharp turns but you can barely make out that there even IS a turn when playing through the map and it aims faaaaar too smooth to fit the music and the other 3 sharp turns. Maybe that's just my opinion and I'd be happy if you could share your thoughts on it and explain why you did it the way you did it?
03:44:752 (4,1,2) - This angle's tightness makes it very hard to hit and you should make it a larger angle. Think of streams like the opposite of jumps. The tighter the angle the more awkward it is. It is not good emphasis like this and just way too difficult.
00:46:798 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - You could space this stream away from the 00:46:646 (2) to give it more emphasis. This is also another group of 3 thing so I think it should be changed to be spaced from it because of that as well.
00:55:737 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - I think this entire stream should decelerate instead of a sudden decrease in spacing here 00:56:040 (5) and 00:56:267 (8) and then decelerating. If you go down by .1 each circle the stream goes to about the same spacing you have at the end of the original stream. So it fits fine.
01:30:888 (1) - 01:30:888 (1) This section needs to be spaced out more jump wise because its virtually the same as this(I think even less) 01:06:495 (9) while it is less intense there. This and sections like it need more emphasis through jump spacing. Also the streams in these sections are so much harder than the jumps it makes almost no sense.
01:39:600 (4,1,2) - These angles suck in streams almost every time and you should refrain from using them. at this spacing and at this bpm it is super hard to hit. BarkingMadDog's streams suck ass because of stuff like this.
04:03:540 (8,1,2) - same, any angle like this in the map should be changed if at high spacing.
00:29:979 (1,2,3) - the difference between this and 00:30:282 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) is basically unnoticeable when playing and I think needs more of a contrast somehow
00:27:555 (1,2,3,4) - I think something like this would suit your stream shape better and it looks better this way imo.
00:28:161 (1,2,3,4) - these bursts are spaced the same as 00:30:282 (1,2,3,4) but they are much more intense so I think you should space them out more like 00:26:040 (7,8,9,10)
00:48:919 (4,1) - This is very awkward because of the obtuse angle and how much the spacing increases. Nothing in the music indicates this big of a diff spike and you should nerf this/make it an acute angle.
00:44:828 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - The sliders before this indicate groups in multiples of two so having these in groups of three feels wrong. I think you need to remake these patterns into groups of 2 specifically
01:20:585 (5,6,7,8) - I think this should be less pronounced or not done at all. its too much for this part of the song imo and I think 1.1x spacing would do just fine.
00:57:858 (3) - I think this should be spaced further away as you do not have any patterns like this repeats throughout this section enough to make it structurally sound. This just feels random and the 3 should be spaced further away in my opinion.
01:25:737 (8) - This is WAAAAAAAAYY too fucking hard. Stacking the slider on the 4 would be enough spacing to give it emphasis because of your pause here 01:25:434 (5,6,7)
01:28:464 (1,2) - Too much spacing imo, not too strong of a sound on the 2, the 1 has the strong sound(also the 1 should be a little closer to the end of the stream imo)
02:33:919 (1,2,3,1,2,1) - After having snappy patterns there's no reason to make this linear when the music is the exact same. It adds difficulty through flow changes
02:49:373 (3,4,5,6) - This is fine because it flows INTO a stream and it is NOT a jump. just to clarify
05:16:267 (8,1,2) - Terrible angles for this spacing. The spacing already adds the difficulty and these angle compound it when you dont need to do that.
05:21:115 (8,1,2) - These angles are much better because of how wide they are although they could be even wider.
06:22:328 (8,1,2) - hardest angle I've sen in the map. I dont think you know how hard these are and how it isnt justified as emphasis
12:17:158 (2,3) - You should nerf this spacing because it does not need this much of an emphasis. It should be more like this 12:13:729 (2,3)