disclaimer: map is bad
when all song???
this is so damn fun holy shit
Mismagius plz finish mapping the solo i enjoy playing map
What an absolute pain timing it you had...
Bocchi can do the solo perfectly
wth is this thing, my arm hurts
W song L map
The elementary school crossing guard when he hears Free Bird 1 mile away from my car at max volume and getting closer: uh oh
this map is really fun for 6 digits and 5 digits as practice, this should never be ranked tho lmao
freeeeee biiirdddddddddd yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i got a C :P
Someone should make this in a LuigiHann style
remap when
my forearm hurts
Some guy on yt shorts saying this is bad lmao
revived 08.11.2022 for applying timing stuff please don't play this map it sucks
Valid point
10 diagonally spinning 3d rats of 10
this bird
you cannot change
I got 6 minutes in and that is how far im getting
amazing map...but my wrists...my poor poor wrists
deep aireu
Going for loved?
needs more favorites for that
graveyard :(
lemme hype it
gud map
You cannot change