00:00:703 (2,3,4,5) - Theres not rythm that justifies using those circles before the slider. Dont overmap it. 00:03:054 (1,2,3,4,5) - same here, 00:05:649 (1,2,3,4,5) - here, 00:08:243 (1,2,3,4,5) - here 00:10:838 (1,2,3,4,5) - ok i think u get it
01:23:402 (1), 01:49:802 (1), 02:10:012 (1), 02:24:184 (1), 02:24:184 (1), 03:31:490 (1), 04:03:575 (1), 06:34:715 (1), 09:37:807 (1), 09:57:451 (1), 12:46:965 (1), 13:52:768 (1), 16:52:198 (1), 17:19:823 (1) - is just juncture of two songs (i.e back to back, closely). For example 04:52:531 (2), 06:54:249 (1), 07:07:409 (1), 07:30:266 (1), 07:59:356 (1), 08:32:213 (1), 09:11:266 (7), 10:16:651 (1), 10:59:001 (7), 11:17:001 (1), 11:59:667 (1), 12:22:467 (1), 13:18:315 (1), 14:14:172 (11), 14:59:246 (1), 15:35:310 (1), 16:31:442 (1), 17:19:823 (1), 18:06:785 (1) - is well done connection. I mean only mp3 connection
01:23:402 - increased fade out on masara, 01:49:802 - should be fine cause mukanjyo starts like that and hello dream has fade out, 02:10:012 - no better transition possible cause mukanjyo singer starts screaming immidiately after that, 02:24:184 - is fine, 03:31:490 - Hajimete no Kakumei now better hearable, 04:03:575 - Hajimete no Kakumei is actually still playing, but not hearable, so added fade in to 1 2 3, 06:34:715 - Volume of Love dramatic increased, 09:38:251 - is fine, 09:57:451 - fine as well cause chronos ist starting suddenly, 12:46:965 - inferno is hearable and phantom joke is having a nice fade in so acceptable, 13:52:768 - less fade out on Shoukei, 16:52:198 (1) - fade in on Magical Babyrinth added, 17:19:823 - is fine
part is taken over by another map. as the description says. It's unfinished. I know I might have to ask for mods after that again.
the backgound ''dupstep/techno'' sounds justify the rhythm exept for the 6. So you got a point on that
that's not working, cause the slider should be on the strong vocal sound. the red tick is not where the vocal starts.
06:37:273 (2) - this slider should start when 06:36:575 (1) - end. to fix it make 06:36:575 (1) - a 1/2 slider
but the small slider is on the ''..ehhh'' vocal, so it is kinda justified
09:00:734 (4) - 09:03:287 (4,5) - ur not being consistent if u used a repeat slider here 09:00:734 (4) - u should do it aswell here 09:03:287 (4,5) -
New Combos are ready not fitting the song here, because you have continuous sounds and not different, so no using new combos fit better cuz your giving emphasize to those continuous sounds that they don't need and basicaly because sounds are the same, spaming new combos has no utility
12:43:223 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - this pattern feels undermapped, i think you can space it out a bit more
It would be unnessessary to map on vocals on 14:34:513 (3,4) - and than change on instruments eventhough the vocals are on the foreground.
the slider is slow and has a break before and after. The direction is nearly not important and rn as it is, it is working better flow wise