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I really like this map thanks for mapping !
if ur gunna use somebody's edited bg without asking you should at least credit them :/
just search random bg from google, forgot where's the sources x_x
Most fun map I've played in a while
Very fun map!
that map is cursed, got 400+ combo then 300 and 200 and died 2 seconds before map ends... I hate this map already..
good map
everytime a firebird mapset comes out, it gets crazier. Im waiting for the 8 star
epic song
edgy diff name
nice map
literally burning
Look like this song gonna FIRE
rip keysounds and storyboard
bandori is best anime&game.
it's ok to have bad taste
thanks for not using water bird bg
cool map btw
water bird is my original idea lol, i just change it because they're 2 different sets :p
really fun map
I just realized that the long slider looks like a bird and my dumb ass thought it was just some really weird one
not your fault xd