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MightyDoc dt :eyes:
really good map, just wish the health wasn't so brutal :/
Fuck man, thanks so much for making a Nero's Day At Disneyland map, it's so well made and there so few maps of NdaD songs on osu :(
youre welcome :)
wtf you didnt map this
GRUMD (a.k.a One Of the Firstests guys to map breakcore songs).
HP7 :o
anyone knows who made the bg?
l8 i know, but the art's by j3concepts
PewDiePie's Song
overall this map would've been a nice one if this fucking drain rate wasn't so unnecessarily high, seriously don't do this shit
I hope I'm not the only one who thinks of Pewdiepie when listening to this song XD
U SRS. https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/2756505 Broken combo fuck me
the beginning of the insane drives me crazy
I like <3 <3 <3
Sounds like a remix from some creepy OST from Saya no Uta
it's reminds me of Pewdiepie song :D
I love the map, but the forgiveness is way too unforgiving. I mean, a 100 combo barely brought my bar up when I was at half, and one miss plunks you to an almost fail.
We need more nero here.
Neroooo~ <3
Pure master piece!
More grumd maps please
Lechan played it in no time... it's unusual.
Awwww yiss, I didn't expect to see Nero's Day in this game.
Thank you based Grumd for mapping music I enjoy.
Any bros around? :3
yaaaas woohoo
Wow. I really loved playing this! Awesome as always, grumd.
Lesson learned: Disneyland gives us nightmares.
it's Amazing sound and maps I really love you grumd (*´∀`*)
grumd saves 2014 :D Awesome map, congratz!
I think people are just refusing to play this map. I'm rank 35 (as I type this) on Hard with no mods.
best map 2014
perfect as always
Grumd maps are such a pain on my fingers :(
i like song :·3
awesome \o/
o/ grumd map
Guys, I'm just joking. Calm down.
you really should get better headphones
Welcome to my day at Dysney Land haha /kill me orz...
I came 17th c: I'm on there :D