Hi Dubstek, here as you requested!
Columns: |1|2|3|4|
00:01:984 (1984|0,2756|0,3748|0,4520|0,5513|0,6285|0,7278|0,8050|0) -
Are you sure you put these as LNs? I recommend a normal note for those, I tell you this because the LNs at 00:09:042 (9042|3,9814|0,10697|1) - are correct for the type of sound they represent. I understand what sound you try to represent but it is not very perceptible (at least for me).
Hmmm Yea good point but I personally think the expression of sound at 00:04:520 - and 00:09:042 - have different properties enough already.
Because 00:09:042 - has double because of its intensity and 00:01:984 - has only single LN because of its intensity too. Therefore, I think they have differences because of the number of notes they have.
Am I late? Sorry but I think I can't mod much. It's a really cool insane marathon SV map.
I must admit it's out of my modding skill, hmm...
00:12:792 (12792|1) - Maybe it will be better to move it to Col 1?
Cause here is the only 1/2 shield in this pattern. Although it's not that hard to play :D
04:10:917 (250917|2) - same
00:13:785 (13785|0,13895|1,14006|2,14116|1,14226|0) - this back and forth staircase seems out of place as you haven't use this patternings before, maybe like this: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/14834270/e26f as to also made the 212 at 00:14:006 to mirror what you did before
00:35:292 (35292|3,35403|3) -
How about if the first mini jack starts at 00: 35: 623 - ? (Move 00:35:292 (35292|3) - )
00:35:954 (35954|3) - Maybe it will be better to move the stack to col 3?
Cause use inner fingles to play stacks is more comfortable. (For noobs like me)
Also, I think to make the pattern as smooth as you can before SV can give better presentation to players on 'how crazy the SVs are'.
00:49:575 (49575|2) - This one seems unnecessary, because you don't have a habit of catching it that.
00:57:461 (57461|0,57461|1,57572|0,57682|1,57792|1,57903|0,58013|0,58123|1,58233|1,58233|0) - This is pretty heavy on the right hand, considered rearranging them
It was intended. :) There was two reason why I didn't add a note here.
The first reason is that adding notes here will make the subsequent jack pattern too difficult.
The second reason is that the intensity of the sound of the timing is negligible.
The third reason is that it is not awkward to omit because the strength of the song is gradually decreasing in this part.
01:04:300 (64300|2,64410|2) -
These notes represent the same sound as before 01: 03: 969 (63969 | 3.63969 | 2.64079 | 0.64079 | 1) - where you have chosen two notes per line. Also add them here to be consistent?
This one is also intended. :)
This may not be good for consistency if we think about this section alone :) , but I've put single note in every section that this sound comes three times. (Except from 01:30:660 - to 01:57:572 - they have different style. ), so it's consistent from a holistic point of view.
In addition, the single jack form is enough to express the strength of this sound.
01:08:711 -
What do you think of changing the pattern to not have a double mini jack? This is an example https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/14623385/d035
Because the intensity of the growling sound is lower than 01:08:601, so I concentrated notes on right side ( 1, 2 column ) to express it.
In addition, the reason why I put double mini jack is because the double at 01:08:601 (68601|1,68601|0) - is to express the repetitive growling sound heard in 01:08:711 -
too, so it is to homogenize by being on the same column.
01:11:358 (71358|2,71469|2) - & 01:11:358 (71358|2,71469|2) -
Same "problem" at 01:04:300 (64300|2,64410|2) -
It was intended :)
Unlike the sound expressed in 01:14:392 - , a pattern from 01:15:660 - to 01:15:991 - expressed a 1/4 beat snare sound just like 01:01:542 - . Quite hard to notice but not awkward and reasonably crushing a complicated beat into 1/4 beat. Because it's too chaotic to express exactly the loud growling sound of that section.
01:18:417 (78417|0,78528|0) -
I signal it to you but it depends on the choice you made for the previous ones. Like 01:44:006 (104006|3,104006|0,104116|1,104116|2) -
01:20:733 (80733|1,80789|0) - These are 3 1/16 sounds (which can also be simplified with 2 1/8 sounds if u wish) and 01:20:844 (80844|2,80899|1) there is only 1 1/6 sound here, not 2 1/8 sounds
01:22:278 - The note you used seems to apply here.
how do you feel about this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15796925/a401
01:42:434 (102434|1,102434|0,102434|2,102572|3,102572|2,102572|0) -
Sounds here are very different from 01:42:268 (102268|1,102268|3,102268|0) - as example.
I suggest putting only 2 notes per line
Added LN at 01:58:454 - but not at 02:01:101 - to maintain beat consistency with from 02:05:513 - to 02:07:167 - .
Also, the ultimate reason for this expression is that all the characteristic beats of this song are expressing certain beat. For example, the piano sound with high intensity at 02:05:513 - 02:06:285 - 02:07:167 - has equal beat interval with 01:01:983 - 01:02:756 - 01:03:638 - and 02:33:748 - 02:34:520 - 02:35:403 - .
02:32:204 this part maybe like this might play better as it still balances and avoided 02:31:873 (151873|2,152259|2) - this rev shield: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/14834339/ab85
02:33:748 (153748|1,153748|0) - this aren't on the same column as similar sounds before, assuming you're doing it like this cuz patterns don't allow you to, maybe you can do this
02:39:042 i dont really understand the reason why you use jacks here 02:39:263 (159263|1,159373|1) - is mapped as jackbut 02:39:263 (159263|1,159373|1) - is not while song stays same
03:04:189 (184189|2) - move to 2 or 4 to keep the pattern here a 3 note stack (don't understand what lovega is saying btw, but hopefully it doesn't contradict this)
or at least if not then move 03:04:189 (184189|2) - to column 1 still cuz at 03:04:189 (184189|2) - there's like a little bit of pitch change here and 03:04:189 (184189|2,184300|0,184410|0,184520|0) - are all the same pitch
03:04:300 (184300|1,184410|1,184520|1) - 이거 1콜로 옮기시는게 더 좋을듯? 자세히 들으면 음이 03:04:189 - 여기보다 살짝 더 옆으로 흘러가서 1콜이 더 어울릴 것 같은데 그리고 03:04:189 - 여기에 사운드가 강조되는 음이 커서 2콜보단 1콜이 더 나을 것 같아요
03:11:469 (191469|3,191469|1) - double here but 03:11:910 (191910|2) - is single
I'd like to double the part where the piano sound sounds strong. I judged that the double was inappropriate oh hat sound because that sound was not very strong.
The reason why I put double at 03:11:469 (191469|3,191469|1) - is also because there was strong piano sound.
03:20:072 - I feel like focusing on the piano here and then switch immediately to synth at 03:20:954 is a bit abrupt and out of place since it makes the focus of this part blurry to players. I would recommend changing this part to focus on the synth instead of the piano, because of the reason above, and because of how the synth is newly introduced here
03:25:807 i suggest adding LN in left column so it follows same pattern as 03:25:366 (205366|3) -
03:28:785 - & 03:30:219 -
Add 1another note like 03:29:116 (209116|1,209116|3,209116|0) - ?
03:35:954 -
what u think about this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15796970/165b
03:47:866 i dont think three minijacxks is the right pattern here, u can clearly hear a two correlated sound at 03:47:866 (227866|3,227976|3) but 03:48:086 (228086|3) - is clearly weaker