00:12:184 (1,2) - might be neat to make these kick sliders cause of the synths; i think it provides a nice lead up into the mini stream as well since it provides a contrast from the jumps
00:26:350 (2) - i know you're focusing on vocals, but it might be neat to make this a kick slider or a 1/4 reverse slider to at least cover over the triple sound
00:48:850 (1,2,3,4) - 00:54:184 (1,2,3,4) - would be a fun idea to make the "kura kura" and "mera mera" back-and-forth jumps instead of the same kind of jumps as everything else here to help contrast them from the "baby baby" jumps
heres a way i changed it, the kura kura jump was changed to some kind of back and forth but the end one where she says devi devi again i used a back and forth so on mera mera i wont be using it