What thy ribbons hath thou spoke about myself, you petite pig-cutter? I shall allow you the knowledge that I hath graduated with honors from a college of marksmanship, and have partaken in many a raid upon the compounds of rabid delinquents.
I hath received training in thy courses of stealth and infiltration; My practices and studies of the musket hath rendered me a skilled marksman. Thou hath been deemed by myself as, simply, another weak, worthless, delinquent inside a sea of many. I shall bring wrath upon thou from so afar, an onlooker would believe God hath reached his hand toward you and bursted thy head into a million pieces.
Thou hath bestowed yourself inside the belief that sending such a letter will cause you no harm. Unfortunately, you hath been largely mistaken. A short time before I began thy process of writing my regards, I sent a messenger to the closest outpost, and within the hour the army shall be ready to hunt thee down. Thou may believe yourself safe, deep inside your cottage, but oneself hath not the closest idea what is coming to thee. I could end one's life by applying 1 of 700 different proven methods, and that is just with my empty hands.
I am not just skillfully trained in thy practices of marksmanship; as I write I inspect my arsenal of weapons. Flintlocks, matchlocks, and blades, all of which shall be utilized to hunt thee. Hath thou felt regret? Hath thou desired to make your apologies? It is far too late for thee now; I hath just received word the army is beginning their duties.
Thou hath angered me severely, and once thee hath been eradicated, I shall ride to thee's residence and defecate and urinate upon thy lifeless body amidst my fury.
Thou hath been deemed killed, worthless infant.