Metadata : Electronic , Instrumental
Tags : Electronic Instrumental 6th Album 旋律世界 The 7th KAC ΩDimension Phase 5 KONAMI original song
Sources :
General check :
MP3(ogg) :
Background :
1920*1080, 1.84MB, PNG. Although it's acceptable by RC, but I still suggest change it to .JPG to save space.
HS :
no delay longer than 5ms and file length longer than 25ms so good.
Tags :
Electronic Instrumental 6th Album 旋律世界 The 7th KAC ΩDimension Phase 5 KONAMI original song
tag is good.
optional tags :
III GRAVITY WARS コナステ Konaste : because this song was also added to SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS コナステ
konami arcade championship : full name of KAC
If you accept you can directly copy paste here :
Electronic Instrumental 6th Album 旋律世界 The 7th konami arcade championship KAC ΩDimension Phase 5 KONAMI original song III GRAVITY WARS コナステ Konaste