00:41:247 - Missing a W here
also at 02:43:429 just found this one
and 03:22:702 + 03:23:247 -
probably 03:23:793 - too
all covered
00:53:520 - W
added when rechecking
01:02:520 (62520|0) - No drums here, just a couple synths
theres like a bassdrop sound and i cant find a wav file with the right pitch so i just put it with a kick drum
im seeing the usage for the very very low synths afterwards so it should be OK overall
01:08:793 - add a C or tom here?
c or tom probably wont fit in this heavy hihat sound, that will need another new hitsound file too and i dont think i have the heart to do it yet
03:24:064 - and 03:24:337 - add C here ?
sounds bit tooo faint for a snare though if i had the heart to find another kick drum hitsound i would add them but based on the current ones i think its enough
03:43:065 - W