Song List1. Camellia - Ragnarok [- WORLD END - [1.1x Rate]] by eZmmR
2. DJKurara - Japanese Transformation [Shift] originally by Fullerene- (Full LN)
3. fripSide - infinite synthesis [LN UNIVERSE [1.3x Rate]] by _underjoy
4. Letters of Crime - Animatype originally by Shoegazer (Full LN)
5. Incinerate - Rengoku -Purgatorium- [Anthem of Destruction] by -Rem-
6. Camellia - K.Y.A.F.A. [RELENTLESS MASSACRE] originally by Evening (Full LN)
DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own anything on this map. All LN and original maps in this compilation belong to their respective owners
Clear Condition: You reach your goddamn result screen
OD7 because fuck you all OD0 players
HP0 because this map may give lag for some players. Hopefully, fatal lag didn't punish you to failing miserably
Other LN compilation:
How to be like SuddenDeath