mapped by GlaZe
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 29 October 2019 so it was graveyarded...
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nice map:3


Thank you :3


the first redline is definitely 75 bpm. there isn't much indication of double bpm, 00:12:636 (1) lands on the last beat of the measure instead of the blue tick and aligns much better with 00:16:659 (on which you should double the bpm to 150)

so only two redlines at the start


the other red lines should also be questioned, as sections that include them can be counted equilbristicly


Yeah timing is fucked

Marked as resolved by GlaZe

more timing stuff

-try and remove red lines at 00:30:507 - and 00:31:856 - and see what happens. I thought it your objects still fit quite well with the timing so I think they're unnecessary

-00:43:057ish the red line isn't needed as it doesn't depict where the downbeat is and can be covered by the previous timing point

-as for the vocals, try and make long sliders to cover each phrase instead of mapping each note. Since the rhythm is so airy, it would be much more pleasant if there simply were less objects to check offset for. It would also reflect current intensity quite well

e.g, at 00:44:597 you can have one slider that has its slidertail at ~00:46:118
at 00:49:631 and 00:50:438 to 00:51:595, you can have one slider each to have the second sliderhead be on a more stressed noted
at 00:51:937 to ~00:52:696 and 00:53:412 to ~00:54:316, sldiers. at 00:54:742 a circle
etc, I expect you to finetune the timings to match peaks

as for red lines on these, have each line be on sliderheads, try and halve the three digit bpms and experiment with removing red lines and seeing if the song still matches up with timing bar.

Reopened by Chai the Tea

It's pretty easy to hear that 00:30:507 (2) - and 00:31:856 (1) - are not timed correctly if you remove the redline.
As for the rhythm, i like it the way it is. I don't wanna undermap vocals to make it feel "calmer" when the section is already fairly calm compared to other sections

Marked as resolved by GlaZe

Artist: 志方あきこ
Romanised Artist: Shikata Akiko
Title: をかし
Romanised Title: Wokashi



I can't suggest any tags that wouldn't be excessive

Marked as resolved by Chai the Tea

Not sure why this post was necessary since that's already the metadata i'm using :p

I would have put the album and stuff in the tags but uh. thats already in the title lol The current ones should be fine though.


it's usually standard to post metadata + sources so people can check if it'c correct on the modding discussion because uhhh it nice


good song and map :D


Well, really nice map. Anyway you don't have to mod back because I didn't do much for your map.


Thank you!
Even if you didn’t find much to point out, you still did try. So i will look at ur map when i have time :D


shikata hypo


Cute map


Thanks :D


