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quickie warmup
1.2 first ever FC wtf i am gaming
39 PERFECTS!!!!!!! i just need to ss and it's #1...
1.2 #6
better than me
nice map
2nd fc on 1.1 first try skull
como me hace sufrir
mili owns traveling lmao
welcome back ssrykat
how to wristjack
i can now wristjack just fine, but the anchors destroy me https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19037389/8670
most insane stamina map ever LMAO this is psychotic
o em gee?
epic jack map :D
monheim based for sniping a cheater on 1.1 (and also nice ss)ayy the cheater got banned
i hate this stupid chart why do so many people play this steaming pile of shit
stamina issue
I mean, that's kind of true.
The map still has some awkward patterns that are definitely not fun to play but still.
relaxing gameplay
song is nice
fun map i love it
this map gave me the most amount of pain in my entire fucking life.
???????????????????????????????????finally loved
ss aaaaaaa
bring back the low res utada hikaru bg
traveling to my painful death by stamina destroyer jack map
Bad bg
Wake up jack mains, it's time
bad bg
rip bg
how to be like a utada hikaru
thanks, I indeed died
utada hikaru is the bestest
is there really some people playing this in 1.45x ?
The best map of all time.