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one of the best maps i ever played,very fun!
tysm for playing <3
Fun map! the only think thats annoying is how it get more and more offsync later in the map, by a solid 10+ ms
Ty for playing owob
fun map :)
tysm!! >//w//<
ahhhh i remember playing this in a multi lobby before it was ranked, super fun! congrats peachy!!
ty verymuchhh <3333
bring back the TOC meta instead of todays furry shit😢
congrats ^^
tq <3 <3
BANGER!!! <3
toc gaming
toc lovers >//<
How to SS
click the notes
u can do it owob
highest diff dt first s while having frozen hands
lmao toc
toc masterpiece >w<
yippie toc
more TOC ranked
ofc!! Next my project toc full ver. <3
ty verymuch <3
Been a while since we got a oral cigarates ranked
yes!! From now on, I will continue to make toc maps for ranked ♥
Finally letsgoooo
Les goooo <3
Short version hmmmm
Next my project toc full ver<3
very cool map
Very nice map