I'm glad you're evil too (English Cover)rachie
mapped by p2r3
last updated
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rachie, your singing is incredible.

The longest song I've done, so I don't know if I'll want to create more difficulties.
I was very surprised to see that this hadn't been mapped yet.

If you want to submit a guest difficulty, feel free to do so through a PM.
I won't guarantee that I'll put it in, though. It has to be actually decently mapped.

I won't be upset if this doesn't make it to ranked.
All I really wanted is for this song to be mapped and fun to play.
That's exactly what I'm trying to achieve here.

- [Evil] Technically finished. I'm open for mods / suggestions.

> Fixed some timing.
> Improved timing and removed a toxic slider at the end.
> Added background video.
> Enabled epilepsy warning and fixed the offset.
> More minor fixes.
> Due to lots of people complaining about timing, I made sure the offset is perfect, and I decided to go through the song with 50% or 25% speed to make sure it's not snapped wrong.
> Nerfed most jumps everywhere except the last kiai - the most important part. Also fixed more timing.
> Added sudden SV changes because, let's be honest, this ain't getting ranked. I alone can't get this the attention it needs to get ranked, so I'll at least make the map kinda fun :)
> I have much more respect towards mappers that chart to the lyrics. It's painful to fix the vocals de-syncing with the background sometimes.

Huge thanks to...
Anhrab Drewbe for testplaying and pointing out the offset.

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thank rachie for singing it, god damn. her voice is heavenly.