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thought a plane is flying over my house, turns out it's the song
Man, what a depressing song.
rly good with NC
I fc with 80% acc... with hd. I suck XD
redo it
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18546022/1212 i still suck :D
good map : )
We need more System Of A Down songs on osu :3 Especially from Mezmerize/Hypnotize.
will you do the whole song next?
PLEASE DO its awesome and it kind be a kind of slow apparition
60 tries in a row why
Why not? It's an amazing song so at least my ears won't blow up on the way
2 days to qualify and 0 favorites. Neat.
anything wrong?
yes. :3
Should anything be wrong? Is there something wrong with finding something to be neat?
nice song ^^,
Well, prety quick rank o_O, Gratz