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this might just be one of the lowest quality ranked maps i've ever played - and i joined in 2011.
хуйня а не мапа
good map
omo Tt's Extra diff has 727 circles o.o
that background is awesome
sounds weird without the nc edit
why loli
When your why is big enough you will find your how
those sliderends on top diff 0-0
God these slow sliders are here to destroy my acc, good map though!
that slider dud...................
love this song and like the maps!
#15 on collab difficulty. I'm so freakin' happy right now Yeeee
I think I would enjoy this map way more if circles and sliders weren't so dark coloured. I mean, I don't use any skins and play on black background, so my eyes are getting tired super fast after playing this one. :(
I like shipgirls
like this map:D
I don't know if it's the jumps, or the sliders, or what, but this really feels like playing a lahphnya map, I love it!
When you think its the TV Size and then wonder why the song doesnt end at the right spot
proceeds to use swimsuits in many of his maps
Like this map
Ming with the D
bg 11/10
collab insane It would be a great map :D if you adjust unnecessary offbeat around 515x
Finnaly an full version of this song.
good bg
its always these fucking shipgirls lo
anime more like banime hhhhh lo xdfdfdfdfdfdfd
anime ban, more like ban anime
yaaaay Full Version <3
Angelsim,Vaxei HDDT inc
HDDT is more than 1kpp compare it to galaxy collapse
Tt's diff has good sliders.
10/10 would choke again https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/7282336
Yeah, dat slow slider fucked me up D=