Update logs3/19 Apply Alace's mod.
3/19 Thanks for jericho2442's timing help~>w<
3/5 Add and fix some timing lines.Thanks for kanpakyin's help.
2/19 Apply Odaril's mod and timing.Add lighting.png.
2/14 Apply arien666 and Garven's mod and rebubbled by them.
2/8 Popped by Xgor and applied his mod.Then rebubbled>.>
2/5 Rebubbled by osuplayer111.
2/2 Popped by myself because I update it...I don't know this rule before...>_<
2/2 Bubbled by Lesjuh.
2/1 Fix the BPM and Offset which given by Lesjuh.
2/1 Apply KanaRin's mod.Fix the source and timing lines.
1/31 Apply Beuchi-chan and Lesjuh's mod.
1/31 Apply osuplayer111 and SamiPale's mod.
1/30 Apply senaya and DragonSparta's mod.
1/30 Apply -kevincela-'s mod.
1/30 Apply James2250 and IceBeam's mod.Add kanpakyin's diff. Fix the Title.
1/29 Apply ErufenRito's mod.
1/28 Fix the BPM to 160.
1/28 Apply lennox989's mod.
1/27 Lyric updated(All png files changed.)
1/26 Apply Wiinter's mod.
1/25 Apply kodomonoyume and wmfchris's mod.
1/25 Apply vincerio and Lightgazer's mod.
1/24 Apply nante's mod.
1/24 All diff completed.Move to Pending.
1/24 Skin updated,sound effect files added and offset fixed.
1/23 Lyric files cleanned,SB adjusted and Muya's guest diff added.
1/22 Beatmap submitted and easy diff completed.