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Why ModMuted is god
I'm so glad Monstrata is a lawyer now so that he's ruining his client's lives instead of mine.
EZHDDT FC top diff lets goo :D
Ar too low, cannot read
skill issue
Easiest pp in my life
imagine your mouse shifting about 2-3 inches because of retarded patterns
anyone wondering just put 15 offset and its synced
well -15 or add 15?
oof that timing
can someone give this map an online offset please ty
Play with -15 offset and u will be a GOD
Went from 95% fc to 80% fc, thanks <3
thanks bro love you
went from 95% fc to 99% fc thank u bro
6 digit mfs playing this without realizing this is OD10 with DT and then complaining its poorly timed when they get an 83% 10 miss pass
im 5 digit i have a ton of od10 99 acc plays and i can confidently say this is mistimed
it is poorly timed though, offset definately helped me
HMM I wonder why playing without music give +5% acc boost.
because, you know, there is this little thing called "muscle memory" caused by the fact that you have 41 retries on this map
What is this timing
you know the map is bad when playing nightcore with 0 music volume is the best way to play this map
Did not actually expcet that to work, but it did, from 93% to 97 in one try xD
lmfaooooo it really be working tho
To encourage 6 digits like you to learn bursts properly
theres like 15 notes of streams in this whole song
Why would someone rank this garbage it isn't even on beat
its a 2015 map what did you expect.
Oh come on maps from 2010 were at least timed correctly
Take NC instead of DT, sett music to 0% and Sound to 100% and just play to the literal beat itself for good acc (once you have memorized the map)
the timings in this map are so ass
Hey fellow farmers, how do you even get like 98% acc lmoa
great song but try my best to hold it around 90 but i jsut can't
people how man hold 100 acc is god
Lmao 87 acc fc : 167 pp also my acc is gone
Why is this giving me 188pp even though i missed on the jumps
mapa parasha monstrata sosi huy
govori po-russki, nichego ne ponimayu
what even is accuracy lmao
When you get that 83% DT FC.
welp this is my top play now for some reason
this map sucks
6 digits be like
i mean tbf it does suck
fl is :ok_hand:
nice #1 bro
Filsdelama is now #2
Hardest acc farming map
Thank you, went from 214pp to 254pp, even with OD10 I managed to get 98% acc holy shit sick plays I'm happy lol ok meme lmao xddd
worst map
Clearly the offset is wrong, how can you let this get ranked?
I thought you at least SOMEWHAT knew how to time a map.. you even favorited it. https://gyazo.com/f8cf88ddf...
No monstrata no, not like this. You mixed ar and od, its supposed to be ar8.5 and od8
-25 local offset = easy pp xd
I had ho do -50 offset and it still sucked
-50 is too much, i feel
thanks https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/6340077