It took me 6 years, but I finally got an S on all difficulties, my favorite osu song of all time
near 10 years old what the hell
nice map
I played this 7 years ago when I didn't take the osu so seriously I came back after 7 years and it feels good to find such beautiful songs again
i broke my monitor from this map 2 years ago
cool map , no mod ss - 87 pp
SSed it with DT, not lets go for that DT+HD SS
worst map i ever played
what is your reasoning behind this?
the song is ass
you're wrong
this song is shit like I speak fluent native english and I have no freaking clue what she is saying.
как я понимаю чувака на первом месте..
cool song and beatmap
Truth brother!
great map, easy to read and good song reminds me kind of sao
I love this map
free 50 pp
I like pizza
same dude ;w;
This map isn' 1:28
dafuq is this song about tho
He wouldn't talk about it :(
Arch Linux
short but good beatmap
My favourite osu beatmap, really well done, fun as hell
Pretty gud
This is like a pp farm \(^0^)/
ez pp
short ver :c
Very nice!
10th post
hermoso mapa
thanks friend great map
milan the god
who is this
Preach the god.*preach*
love this song ! gratz :D
awesome beatmap! wish it was longer!
so fast ranked
hah gratz XDD