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AR 9 is so unplayable to me
this map should be fine..
wow this is recent
uwot xezno
1st time I played this I HDHR'd it and got #46 lol (Advanced)
This isn't instrumental
lol only 161 pp with an fc with 97,83% acc on WISH, but this is a gud map, gud job ayy.
Yep, one of the best maps i played on this game
Another wish song. Jeeez...
My wish became ranked!
9 ar is the best ar
Blue Zenith ↑ WISH upon TWIN stars ↑ Ascension to Heaven ↑ *we are here again* ↓ Freedom Dive ↓
I am the zenith
I am one of the TWIN star
Mfw no skystar
Star Star Twin Star, my wish is to be a girl
Everybody is a girl on internet, fixed
I was born a girl actually
I'm only a face tho
pls make me a hot cute anime grill
then marry me
H map? *dat title*
either I'm missing a (bad) joke or you're freaking dumb.
oh, i wrong read that.. really
Wish a Upon a Twin Star
mfw speedrank