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IQ200 shipping these 2
Love this pair
Are u shipping Maki and Hanayo?. U are so pro xD
Rin & Nico is angry
I don't approve of this pairing
such an annoying map in llsif..
wtf Hanayo X Maki!? Lemme die.
Rin is angry.
gay BG
=w= but there are two girls in this BG
you're gay :3
With respect, please.
i like this map.
makipana is love <3 (I know this couple isn't popular there though 2333333)
and here i thought there is insane diff but no ;_;
I like this song, but highest diff 2.79 is ちょと...
Just DT it C:
3.8 stars after DT, FCing it would give me like 1pp? :(
What the fart is Maki doing here?
It's all about Hanayo
the lyrics: "同じ教室で あなたが遠い" "同じ教室" (same class) -> Maki or Rin =w=
Rin's cooler tho. ;v;
finally congratulations :D but i prefer full version more :( please make it too
thanks, and another mapper is making full version, i think you can play it soon ^^