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الماسة الزرقاء!!
What's the difference between a poorly dressed man on a tricycle and a well-dressed man on a bicycle? Attire!
Anyone playing in 2020? :p
i thought she had an erection
Sure, why not :D
Nadia good anime :D
what the
a sure map
not sharpnel 0/10 please unrank now
THE MIX https://www.youtube.com/wat...
森川美穂 懐かしすぎ~
I need to overquick mine so I won't lose so Sure... XD/
That's really well-made map, wow
당근은 Sure
I'm Sure
You're Carrosure.
Are you Sure?
How many people watched this anime? it's super old
nice anime , nice song ,THX for mapping
This anime is even older than me. LOL
This anime I have seen it too :3 (Old man)
Never watched it. How is it?
It's good for an old anime. If you're interested in Anno Hideaki's works, watch it.