good soup
this mapping is awesome!
Really nice map. Song is nice and map is fun to play. One of my favorites.
one of the best maps I ever played
wtf azr8
Where is this song from? I swear I've heard it somewhere before...
la ptm k wen mapa :v
ye but you're cute
Sakura... Sakura... Put that ca-at on me...
Cookiezi FTW :D
hvick intensifies
hvick please
"Sakurwa" - Rafis 2015
lmfao rafis hoyl
dont kill me for being 2 years late
s a k u r a s a k u r a
give me the pp
Awesome map! I love Insane <3
yes but you don't exist anymore pt2
This give me so much pp
yes but you don't exist anymore
my fav map, to bad I can't enjoy with friends cause banned xP
guise someone ask recia what offset he used. My acc very fukt from the start :(((
Teichan is the new pp mapper
seems that only hvick has got these pp lol
Only hvick can HD,DT but many people can nomod play it
Hvick was like: "Not enough HDHR plays, so let's HDDT this"
dayumn hvick and his eroge >w<
In b4 'hvick592',
nvm I was too slow.
Great map!
Ready to fight against rafis
what the fuck ಠ_ಠ
Hvick 592pp :3
Hvick isnt going down to Rafis without a fight!!! god i cant wait to see both of them getting more insane plays <3
If hvick get serius.......... rip rafis
hvick win this battle easily
really easy .............
i hope to see Hvick keep his #1 spot since i love the guy <3 but Rafis also is very good and going on a HDDTHR tear. nonetheless hope to see more plays that are just plain crayolas by the both of them :3
Hvick finally did it
hvick given too much time to RAFIS now it's time to farm pp
592 pp omg.
Now hvick rekt so much hard with 9 500pp + scores in two hours showing its supremacy.
rafis is coming
I know but wait to hvick....
hvick592 PogChamp
tag is am having "Eroge" And hvick Picture in map.
nice map.
Gratz Lawander! ^_^
Gratz 拉完的! ^_^
Love this map ^_^
It is good! :)
Be ready for hvick HDDT
Holy fucking hell, how. And why, just, why.
the god
To think you called this on Moneto's stream a week ago... pls
The day as come .
No way in hel xdddd
Just done #EasyPP
it is coming LOL