It was surprisingly easy to get on the leaderboard
Im on top^^ :P
cute BG
its so difficult for me
I love this song and this is the 2nd Blue Field Beatmap I have downloaded <3
plz name this anime <3
Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio :3
Yesterday i was at #58 now at #118 xd icri evrytiem....
Wait a minute, ANOTHER Blue Field?
there are just three versions ranked. Nothing compared with the T A T O E set ones
Haruna's neck looks a bit too long in the image.
Crash dive!
Congratz for being Qualified \\^-^//
全台最chu mapper rank圖啦111111
no ;w;
Congratz!! >w<)/♥
Grats Arron, first map ranked !!! Finally <3
all i see
Glad to see this mapset ranked after two years. \°u°/
Thank youuuuu ;D