Thanks to Krfawy for their Calm and Relaxing difficulty (Renamed to Easy and Normal ;w; ), and also for hitsounds!
Thanks to Xinely for the bubble, and JBHyperion for qualifying!
This song is beautiful but so sad.
Narcissu is a game I played long ago, back when I liked animu stuff a bit more. It was weird in the way that, it was a great game, whilst having barely any "gameplay", the only gameplay being you clicking to carry on, more like a story than a game. You were given no choices, unlike in most visual novels. I would recommend people to play this "game", as it is an amazing story, even if it only lasts like 2 hours. Animu background is allowed because it relates greatly to the plot of Narcissu (whilst not even being a picture from it).
Sorry to the people who like my hard maps (and less DTable platters), but I didn't want to overmap this amazing song.
Metadata taken from the ranked map: