Just sayign, that trloling on a mpa becuase of hwat he did in hte past, wihtout ginivg solid eveidnce on hwo "poor qauliyt" is adrdeseds to the amp, is an inconisderate manner. (I'm a fan of ENS btw) (and also a fan of HW btw)
Sorry, but this deetz lacks a fair bit of something that is called deetz
and should have not been deetz in its current deetz. If you need more
deetz, this is probably due to blatant deetz of deetz and poor deetz of deetz to deetz.
I am also not going to refer to this deetz , as a similar deetz has already happened in the deetz.
Feel free to message deetz in case you need deetz of any existing deetz or deetz deetz to map. No deetz needed for this deetz.