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bad font but cool map and cool song!
Don't forget to play your daily!
oh god this font
this song fucks so hard
88th daily challenge
im waiting Calibri map
pls dont remind me of mla format and social studies while i play osu :sob:
Aeril News Roman
Times New Roman 14
bro did not map in times new roman
mfw ariel ranks Times New Roman
Wingdings when?
GB2312 when?
Comic Sans when?
Arial when?
I like Comic Sans
where the hell is the font. did I get scammed?
Never leave that room
wxs emu
theres no way
нет блять комик санс
А хули сразу не wingdings
and I told them I invented it
i like fonts
Man, I wonder who decided to name a song Times New Roman… ridiculous.
i'm pretty sure the author like to write scientific paper
𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧
we're mapping fonts now
wtf new map and first comment