Collab!mapped by Starrodkirby86, vytalibus, and Lilac
Futatsu no MiraiMichihiro Kuroda
mapped by MarioBros777
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It is advised that if you play the Collab difficulty, please play without the video to have a look at the Storyboarding.

Futatsu no Mirai or Two Futures is the opening theme for Megaman/Rockman EXE Axess. Kudosu to NachoPiggy for ripping the video.

Collab! - Collaboration Normal+/Hard difficulty with vytalibus, Starrodkirby and MarioBros777.
Moderate! - Easy difficulty by MarioBros777
vyt's Vicious! - Hard/Insane difficulty by vytalibus.
KIRBY Mix - Insane difficulty by Starrodkirby86.
Wood's Taiko Stage - Taiko Only diff by woodrockman. A level 9 Oni diff.

Also, to people who aren't sure of the collab times.

00:00:55 - 00:03:46 - MarioBros777
00:04:00 - 00:20:55 - Starrodkirby86
00:20:91 - 00:44:00 - MarioBros777
00:44:18 - 00:46:73 - Starrodkirby86
00:47:09 - 00:49:64 - MarioBros777
00:50:00 - 00:55:46 - Starrodkirby86
00:55:82 - 01:18:73 - vytalibus
01:19:09 - 01:21:64 - Starrodkirby86
01:22:00 - 01:24:55 - MarioBros777
01:24:91 - 01:30:73 - vytalibus

I regret not giving vytalibus more parts. *sob*

This is how the map came to be...

I had in my mind that I would map Futatsu no Mirai. Since I don't map Insanes, I asked Starrodkirby if he wanted to do a diff. Before even Bad Apple!! was made, I always had the idea the mappers of a collab do a separate difficulty and then collaborating together on one difficulty. (Evident in Sugar, We're Going Down) So it would just be Kirby and I doing all up 3 difficulties. vytalibus came into in-game #osu and started to talk around before getting deBATed a day later. After this, he asked me if he could collaborate with the song I was doing. This really startled me as we almost got through the whole collab difficulty with just me and Kirby. I thought about it for quite sometime and decided that we would give vytalibus the main chorus. After all, he deserved it. So we then mapped it and here we are. This is Futatsu no Mirai.

I'm dedicating this map to vytalibus because we all love him. I miss you, vyt. And good luck to your Struck by the Rain map! I believe in you.

Redownload for all the people who downloaded it before 14th February 2010 and possibly even a week before that.

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Points of Failure
