It's my first time to make beatmap,and now studying.
thank Shinxyn,yaya,gd,Breeze,LKs's help before remapping~
2.2 Some fixed in normal/hard
2.3 MoonFragrance's mod
2.4 Add insane's hitsound and Change something
2.7 Cancelled my lol insane,fixed from Shinxyn's remod,and remap some place of Normal
2.7 NatsumeRin's mod
2.8 jamesleao's mod
2.10 Sushi971's mod
2.10 DJPop's mod
2.11 Change comboburst.png
2.14 add MoNky's BeaT and soft-hitclap.and edit some greenlines and increase volume
2.15 fix tags,VanMoNky's mod and hitsound
2.21 happy30, fartownik and Leorda's mod
2.24 adjust audio lead-in to 1.5s
2.28 fix Mafiamaster's mod by VanMoNky
3.7 osuplayer111's mod
if you have downloaded this before 3.7 please redownload it