6K Easy
Happy End of the WorldSpotlightxiFeatured Artist
mapped by Blocko
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xi - Happy End of the World

Status: RANKED!
Difficulties: 30/30
WARNING: There are a lot of BPM and SV changes in all difficulties so they fit the mood of the song. Get yourself ready for 190 BPM.

Thank you to everyone that gave help, support and love to this mapset! This journey really wouldn't have been much more enjoyable without you guys!

Bubbled by Kawawa and Qualified by Julie!

Download link for other diffs: here!
That link only has 3 difficulties that are playable but unranked, so you'll need to download the full mapset for the full experience (unless you wanna play it without the music and the background).

MP3 and timing points are taken and edited from Liiraye. You can also play this song on this map (Liiraye) and this map (Kroytz) as well!
The Catastrophic Lore and The Challenge
Many years ago, the world’s great masters of music contemplated how they could best represent their qualities and abilities. From near and far, east and west, from young and old, poor and rich, people gathered. They thus decided that despite the transcendence of music, they would quantize their understandings and knowledge to further develop their dreams and ambitions. Many years later, through the evolution of technology and human comprehension of the human sense of hearing, as well as the progression of sophistication and definition of music, the first electronic rhythm game was born. Over the next few years, humanity would see the birth of a pastime that goes beyond a mere game or musical enthusiasm. The vertical scrolling rhythm game craze began to take hold of individuals across borders, nationalities, and histories. Eventually the VSRGs came to form what we recognize today, with the fledgling osu!mania taking the role of a hub for people across the world to manifest their love of VSRGs. People had disputes, but always got along and were able to set aside their differences to play charts where every person was graded fairly based on their performance. The community was growing, the mapping techniques evolving, and the players improving.

And it seemed good.

But, an ancient evil was slashing and clawing it’s way back into the world, one strike after another. Across civilization and cultures, the fight against this enemy was brutal, and in many cases, fatal. Only one people were able to leave a warning behind for the hope of the future to grasp. These people are commonly referred to as ‘Mayans’. A commonly misplaced belief that has been skewed by thousands of years of contorting and bending of the truth is that Mayans foretold the supposed doomsday of humanity. The true meaning is this warning is that this age will the time in which this enemy re-manifests its soul in the human realm. The name of this enemy is chaos. Many believe an enemy is some overgrown monster that requires physical slaying, but the underlying truth of the world is that true opposition is in the mind, with chaos being one of the most prevalent of these oppositions to humanity. But when time is of the essence, further ponderings are meaningless. The chaos of divisive entropy has manifested itself in the VSRG continuum through separating the heart of VSRG amongst key-modes. One may claim inherent differences, or differing patterns, but the conjoined truth of these keymodes is that at the end of the universe, we will all have played the same game, whether it have four columns or seven lanes. The enemy of chaos has descended upon osu!mania, and there is only one way in which to defeat it.

In addition to their warning, the Mayan people were able to create a weapon capable of destroying even the greatest threats that chaos is capable of mustering. The Mayans always worshipped and glorified their deity, the sun. Their praising of the sun, however, is also a misguided notion that history has twisted over the ages. This worshipping of the sun was truly a worship of their leader, a man that led the people through the power of song and rhythm, referred to in the Mayan tongue as ‘xi’. In his seemingly infinite wisdom, the emperor xi had his people create temples to honor him across the earth. However, the true purpose of these temples were kept secret. To this day, only six temples remain, one within, one on each inhabited continent of the earth. Within each of these temples is a fraction of the genetic elements necessary to modify the chosen one.

Now it lies within the players of osu!mania to save the world and themselves from the inevitable destruction of chaos. The six temples across the world are only accessible through a degree of mastery of a mastery of the xi’s final, and ultimate musical work, Happy End of the World. This marathon map, in osu!mania, has manifested a connection to the power of these temples, so that one may activate a piece of the genetic code left by xi when they have displayed defeat of a keymode of osu!mania through S ranking each of the respective difficulties in that keymode. Activating the power of each genetic fragment across the world will awaken the mutation necessary to save life as we know it.


And when that person does obtain that power, showing the courage and wit to best the hellish depths of chaos and it’s power, humanity will find their savior. The battle will rage on, and both sides will grow weary, but both sides are determined and neither will give in. This battle will consume all people and all the universe, eventually resulting in total destruction and a reset of humanity, with a fresh chance to begin life again. And in that understanding, as we humans begin to tear in the final moments, we will truly experience a Happy End of the World.

The Catastrophic Lore and The Challenge was brought to you by Tristan97.
List of difficulties and their descriptions
4K Easy - Newbies of mania are welcome to play it here!
4K Normal - Make sure to tap to the beat on this one.
4K Hard - Play through the streams and train those fingers!
4K Insane - Build your stamina with this difficulty here.
Fullerene's 4K Catastrophic Shift - Be sure to be prepared for this difficulty, as it has jumpstreams, hands, mini-jacks and other catastrophic stuff for your hands. Good luck! This difficulty is also featured in 2014 osu!mania World Cup 4K Semi-finals!

5K Easy - A newbie-friendly difficulty recommended for newbie players.
5K Collab Normal - Chords are present here, so train your finger independence! Collab with Hellgert and Blocko.
5K Hard - 1/4 streams introduce themselves for you to play.
5K Insane - A dense difficulty that challenges your reading. Improve it with this difficulty!
ajee's 5K Armageddon - Even with 5 columns to play with, it will be a challenge to play through really heavy sections of the map if you're not prepared for it. Good luck, player!

6K Easy - A very basic difficulty, but this tests the finger independence of newbie players.
6K Normal - More patterns start to appear here. Be sure to read them and hit them correctly!
6K Hard - This is denser than the last difficulty, so train those fingers to move faster!
6K Insane - It has a lot of patterns that you've played through, so build your skill up by playing this difficulty.
Fullerene's 6K Grand Finale - A grand finale of the 6K difficulties of this song, it challenges your reading, stamina and finger independence by playing through very dense sections in the song. Good luck.

7K Easy - For people that got the ropes of osu!mania, challenge your finger independence here!
7K Normal - You'll start playing some patterns that appear in most songs.
7K Hard - A difficulty that has 1/4 streams. Most of them are in the second half of the song.
7K Insane - More complex patterns, dense notes and long notes are present in this difficulty.
7K Happy End - Most of the sounds heard are layered in this difficulty. The result is a very dense difficulty that challenges your reading, stamina and skill. Good luck, and reach the happy ending!

Kami's 8K Easy - This one truly tests your finger independence as a beginner. Also good for scratch training.
Million's 8K Normal - Chords in this difficulty introduce themselves for you to play.
8K Hard - Chords, streams, even chord streams are in here.
8K Insane - More complex patterns are added to the mix in this difficulty.
Million's 8K Planetary Alignment - This difficulty challenges your ability to withstand dense chordstreams with scratches on the scratch lane. Good luck on this difficulty!

Pop'n'Maki 9K Easy - Here's a 9K difficulty for beginners. This takes finger independence to the next level, with all columns used in this difficulty.
9K Normal - A difficulty that can help improve your coordination with all your fingers and thumbs.
9K Collab Hard - The next step in the 9K set, this time with streams and chords in between. Collab with Squishykorean and Blocko.
9K Collab Insane - Denser than the last difficulty, this time we have chordstreams. Think you can handle it? Collab with iJinjin and Blocko.
9K Meteor Shower - You're in for a challenge if you're gonna play this one. It really puts a challenge to your finger independence as it fully utilizes all columns in this difficulty. Give it all you got, and good luck!
Difficulties that are not for rank
They've been removed from the mapset, but here's the download link if you don't wanna scroll back up: click me

1K Happy End - Play this difficulty with just one finger. You'll need a lot of stamina for this one. Good luck.
Zen's Seventh Global Catastrophical Termination - This difficulty may be easy to read, but it actually puts your stamina and speed to the test. Also harder than 7K Happy End. I think. Good luck!
Jinjin's 10K Cataclysm - Think you got the finger independence and reading for this difficulty? This should be a good challenge for you. Good luck.

Success Rate


Points of Failure


everytime I see this set I just get remembered of a fact there's 30 diffs of 6 min song in rank lmao like can u not