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they dont make farm like this no more....
this map was so ahead of its time
hp drain on this map is cursed
SHITWe have a reckless guy with 43946764 score
JustTheSky is a legit player. 43mio with 227x and a legit moving cursor XD
hello :333
who put streams in my jump map
first FC 5*. cooooooooooooooooooooooool
i was playing this map for months and only today discovered where did it come from. huuuuuuh
My first 5 star ! Lets go
Oh man.....
hellow people from both future and past :>
hello past Fuu_
this is one of the cleanest and best beatmaps ive played in my 10 years of osu
sinatraa is actually crazy no cap
mouse only player,poggg
sinatraa PLAYING OSU CONFIRM???????
sinatraa lmao
sinatraa be malding
no cah
not even trolling
shit hard asf i aint gon lie
bonne beatmap, facile mais efficace, je recommande 👍🏼
love u for this
why is this song so good??
dude i've been playing this map for like almost a year and i just notice that this is from SAO
i played this map 7 days ago and yesterday i started watching sao and i searched for this opening because i didn't realise i played it before
so good
Why do I die of HP drain with 90% acc?
same some maps are weirdly balanced
good beatmap
i finally beat it it only took 329 tries
I'm peppa
I'm not peppa
pp size: large
pp? e n l a r g e d
dude, this is free pp...
kirito love asuna uwuu
my ears are bleeding but my pp is getting b i g g e r
indo gfan
It is very nice ! good
Free pp for all i guess