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isnt this cid moosa?
mallus rise
This map is actually great
i checked on my phone and some weird camel video was on it, why is it here, i just wanna play osu
Otomad pog and whole set is a lot of fun, thanks!
The gameplay reminds me a lot of the old pp system's farm fest 1/6 maps.
Thanks for bringing me back to those times for a moment!
Everywhere I go... I see that osu420...
Noooooo I like your coffee pfp 😞😞😞😞😞
torigari cinderi tubileli melât, tayem badiyüda canbarı molgi. kanna ligulüda galit taktak ledeyüde yülogi tügiligü lolgi. aktima rattim giure taragire lappob tikgiri mellet bari. tangırı baliyeru banayedi banamır, molügülu lalüyüda tagiledi mürk. tandıdı baliyedu barayedi banamır murgile lalüyüda taktele murgit.
god, what is this..
A masterpiece of a song :tf: