I've been getting messages about needing to get a new ranked map out. So here ya go!
I normally map smaller songs, but this song just had so much changing throughout that I felt really good about mapping the whole thing.
Special thanks to
Tachibana_ &
OliBomby helped with multiple things throughout the creation of this map. This map sparked the idea of "Use current editor time" in his Slider Completionator tool. After I mentioned the idea to
OliBomby, they added it to the tool. They also assisted with creating alternate versions of a deceleration slider in the map. However after a talk with Peppy, it has been removed. F
NeilPerry &
Tachibana_ created a
Sped-up ver of Shivering and I wanted to give that the respect it deserves as a converted GD. Polished by
NeilPerry &
Tachibana_ for this mapset. Great map
NeilPerry &
Guest Difficulties- hehe - [6.0*]
- NeilPerry - [5.8*]
- Altai - [5.6*]
- Tachibana_ - [5.5*]
- LosPedros - [5.4*]
- Jiysea - [5.2*]
- mrforse - [5.1*]
- Timevid - [4.8*]
- WontonSauce - [4.6*]
- fowwo - [3.75*]
- Tachibana_ & FreudeMan - [2.1*]