As the days go by, I'm forced to confront a disturbing truth: I'm not making any more comments.
So you've finally reached it, the comment cap.
The comment cap? Why is there a comment cap?
Peppy knew there was a risk, no matter how unlikely it may have been, that a player might start actually enjoying the game he had made. To prevent this, he capped comments at 1,000.
Ah, so this is why I haven't been able to make any more comments.
So, now that you've reached the limit of comments, how do you feel?
I feel nothing, nothing at all. At first, the realization that I couldn't make any more comments left me depressed. All I had wanted to do was beat mol, but I couldn't even do that. Was the dream I chased for so long really meant to end here? Until I remembered...
As the days go by, I'm forced to confront a disturbing truth: I'm not making any more comments.
So you've finally reached it, the comment cap.
The comment cap? Why is there a comment cap?
Peppy knew there was a risk, no matter how unlikely it may have been, that a player might start actually enjoying the game he had made. To prevent this, he capped comments at 1,000.
Ah, so this is why I haven't been able to make any more comments.
So, now that you've reached the limit of comments, how do you feel?
I feel nothing, nothing at all. At first, the realization that I couldn't make any more comments left me depressed. All I had wanted to do was beat mol, but I couldn't even do that. Was the dream I chased for so long really meant to end here? Until I remembered...